Τετάρτη 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Your speech of marriage: Preparation with the unexpected one

The best men, the fathers of married and the odd groom often ask which surprises they could expect the great day.
Here ones to realize of:

An unexpected introduction:
Just while you invite to the top of courage to provide your speech laid out perfectly, you get along presented by the Master of the ceremonies in terms less than flatteringly.
And worse always, assistance laughing nervously far with its joke.
Unless you have an answer truly full with spirit to the top of your casing, the sure and ripe manner to recognize this excavation is to thank it for its pleasant introduction and then to pass to your speech prepared beforehand.
A return to discretion could be enormous if that functions, but you are not sure, do not test!

The speaker before you steals your material
The ok, it or it could not intentionally chaparder your ideas, but you can find that they do many the points that you had included in your speech.
If you do not have confidence to reconsider your speech at the last minute, your best bet is to start by thanking them for ensuring itself than you will not need to speak for as long as you had planned.
But you recall, the best manner of avoiding this exit is entirely to cause with the other loudspeakers before the marriage.

The microphone does not function
Do not panic; this can really function in your favour.
It is an excuse so that you create a spirit of attack lights! If people cannot hear you, ask them comic and bring it closer the front one.
Speak more slowly (and obviously much more extremely) than if you had a microphone.
As with any technical exit of this kind, your assistance will feel sorry for you and should be much more support of your speech.

There is a disturbing element
While it is not very probable, it is possible that somebody could have a drink a too great number and to decide it is funny to stop your speech.
You point out that it is their problem, not yours.
The remainder of your assistance will want to hear what you must say, and more irritated by the interruption.
Supporting this with the spirit, the pause, the test to smile politely, thank them for their useful feedback (!) and continue then.

Moments after your completions of the word
You probably expect a round of the applause, and can be shocked to be met by complete silence.
But it is not only you hurt - simply this you just asked the whole assistance to comic and made a toast with glass in their hand.
This made beat crafty one a little, thus you with wait until they need moment or of two before they still sit down and encourage you with the roofs!

You simply cannot prepare with each possibility.
If the lights die out, something is crushed, or you forget something important, remain just calm.
And recall you to have a direction of prospect.
The guests are here because two people marry, to hear you not simply speak.

The chance best the day


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