Τρίτη 14 Αυγούστου 2012

Ryan and Obama clash on farmland in Iowa

President Barack Obama accused Monday, August 13th the new running mate of Republican Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, came to challenge him on farmland in Iowa (center), have blocked aid to farmers despite the drought. "If you cross the representative [Paul] Ryan, tell him how this farm bill is important for Iowa and rural populations," said the outgoing Democratic president in the first step, Council Bluffs, a tour three-day coach in that State for the crucial November election.

Republican Paul Ryan, who has re-energized his camp Saturday after his appointment, had come to steal the show by going to his side to the Iowa State Fair, a large agricultural show several days in Des Moines. In this state covered with cornfields, Bush referred to the record drought currently affecting the United States and accused Mr. Ryan to be part of those in Congress voted against aid to farmers, calling it "Republican ideologue" of the Capitol, the seat of Congress.

Iowa State is considered an "undecided" even though he has voted only once for a Republican since Ronald Reagan's reelection in 1984. It is also the state where Barack Obama has built the basis of the popular movement that brought him to win the Democratic nomination in 2008 against Hillary Clinton. The president has certainly seen Ryan "a good father." "This is a good spokesperson to convey the vision of Governor Romney, but the problem is that I profoundly disagree with this vision," he said.


Paul Ryan, released only in the field by Mitt Romney, also campaigning in Florida on Monday but (southeast), criticized for his part the president's economic policy. "President Obama has given us four years of deficits exceeding 1 000 billion. He spends the future of our children," he told Ryan.

The two Republicans have promised this weekend the country's recovery through tax cuts and spending. The Democrats responded by denouncing the "radicalism" of their program and proposed that elected 42 years, also chairman of the Budget Committee in the House of Representatives, which would, according to them, slashing the public assistance program the elderly, Medicare.

Mr. Ryan is "the architect of a plan to end Medicare as we know it (...) and to pay thousands of dollars for senior citizens," pointed David Axelrod, the campaign team of President Obama.

Read our portrait: Paul Ryan, the bucker budget

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have rejected these criticisms by arguing that the reforms were intended to save Medicare from bankruptcy, not to eliminate it. "My mother receives aid Medicare in Florida", said Mr Ryan, suggesting "a reform for those of us who are younger." A member of the Romney campaign denied that the absence of Mr. Ryan in Florida is related to fear a hostile reception, number of people residing in that State.

In St. Augustine Monday, Florida, Mitt Romney, meanwhile, celebrated in that other State-key American victories at the Olympics and his country's progress in space, a crowd more sparse than that drawn this week -end by her duet with Mr. Ryan.

The national polls show a clear lead for Obama over his Republican rival. Thursday, a Fox News poll gave 49% of the vote to Barack Obama, against 40% for Mitt Romney.

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