Τρίτη 21 Αυγούστου 2012

Spanish regions singled out as the main risk factor for the deficit

Spanish regions have been singled out for their overspending, but this is the first study to pilloried in this way. According to the Foundation Studies Applied Economics (FEDEA), 17 Spanish regions are the "major risk factor" against the central government's commitment to reduce its public deficit from 8.9% to 6.3% GDP this year.

In a study published Tuesday, August 21, the FEDEA stresses that "if we assume that all regions apply the measures announced in the economic and financial plans, the deficit would fall to 2.2% of GDP, a skid 0.7% of GDP compared with the figure expected ", their Madrid with a target of 1.5%. Worse, "if the regions do not apply the measures announced and maintain the pace of spending in the first quarter, the deficit déraperait 4% of GDP, 2.5% more" than the target.


This publication should not arrange relations between Madrid and the Spanish regions, which enjoy wide autonomy status: some of them, Catalonia and Andalusia in mind, several weeks since launched a movement of revolt, refusing austerity imposed by the central government.

The study admits that "2012 is a year for very complicated regions, which have a deficit of 1.5% of GDP while they finished 2011 with a deficit of 3.34%," and are responsible for 70 % of fiscal slippage in the country. But "there are clues that lead to serious doubts about the degree of compliance with the regions, their plans" rigor, estimated FEDEA.

The commitment to deficit reduction is closely monitored while the eurozone to Spain promised aid up to € 100 billion for its banks, before a possible saving more global economy. This rescue could take the form of a massive intervention by the European Central Bank in the fall, but in exchange for strict conditions for the country.

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